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AR 52/6/250 - External Vibrator

SKU 5100004257

AR 52/6/250 - External Vibrator

SKU 5100004257

Precast factories can make the most of the AR 52/6/250, a powerful external vibrator that features a 250 V motor for efficient concrete pouring. This vibrator is part of the Series 5 and features a type of fastening 2, giving it an impressive 6000 rpm.

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AR 52/6/250 - External Vibrator

SKU 5100004257


  • Centrifugal Force: 8,160kN
  • Vibrations: 6.000 1/min
  • Nominal Current: 2,70 A
  • Nominal Voltage: 250 V
  • Nominal Frequency: 200Hz
  • Nominal Power: 1,10kW
  • Weight: 18.56kg